onsdag 24 september 2014

Is sweden the most boring country in the world

Envisage a country where it is dark for most of the year. Even trough it perhaps is one of the few countries in the world where everyone have the chance to make a future for themselves, you have to be really creative to not get bored out. A country with more money than Sweden , but still they have more fun.

The most racist people in the world are Swedes ! They have no idea what is a foreigner!

They only know one race and that is called SWEDE! They are extremely boring and so arrogant. If you are kicked accidentally by a swede in the street, you better not wait to hear apology! Because they are so impolite and not civilized!

Come on you boring, dull Swedes , prove me wrong, (if you can). Re: Stockholm is the most boring city in the World. Why do you live here then?

For most people, Sweden would probably be a great country to live in as long as you meet the minimum requirements of fitting in. If you are inspired by actual intellectual diversity and originality (not just the blan superficial popular cultural interpretation of it), you might find Sweden boring after a while and a boring country. Start studying Is sweden the most boring country in the world ? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The other towns of Sweden are not to be mentione they are, if possible, even worse.

A post on a travel foruI have been to a lot of countries. But Sweden must be the most boring place EVER ! No one smile not a single person. And the nightlife was nonexistant.

I came across this site from another blog about Sweden. He thinks Swedes are rude, self centere boring , etc etc. And yet ( most of) Finland is not technically part of the Scandinavian peninsula. Ugh, Finlan way to fail at everything, even this list.

Have you been to Finland? Do you have anything to add? And yes, this blog post is basically my version of a love letter to Finland – one of my favorite countries in the world.

I would argue that Denmark is severely more boring than both Finland and Sweden. Liechtenstein is one of the most fascinating countries in the world. I live in the US these days, and I am very bored. It is also home to plenty of tech innovation and to “some of the most venerable, well-known brands in the world , including Volvo, . Did you know that the average . Is- Swedenboring- country - world. Is Sweden the most boring country in world?

Media landscapes: Italy. European Journalism Centre.

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