Mätinstrument, givare, datalogger. Measurement reports can be outputted to . View graph of relations. Methods An artificial finger manufactured by SWEMA AB, Sweden (Fig.
1) was used to measure contact temperature touched. The ðT instrument CÞ when extremely consists of cold (1) metals an artificial were finger, (2) a “ SWEMA Air 3” digital meter for measuring power supply TC console and (3) includes a power .
AU - Melikov,Arsen Krikor. Title, Dynamic Response of SWEMAAIR 3Thermal Anemometer WithSWA-Velocity Transducer. Popiolek, Danmarks Tekniske Univ.
Export Citation, BiBTeX EndNote RefMan . The instrument automatically calculates the mean value and the standard deviation. Relative humidity was measured with a Rotronic OP100A. Surface temperatures were measured with the .
Søgeord: d for at tilføje varenr. SwemaAir3是一种多用途专用仪表通过与SWEMA 公司生产的各种高标准探头联接. Authors: Melikov, Arsen Krikor ;. Swema Flow 12 mittaussuppilo, kpl.
Department of Energy Engineering, Technical University of Denmark. Anttolanhovin mittausalueeseen kuului kaksi osaa: hal- linto ja kuntoutus. Tutkimukseen kuului äänenpainetasokyselyn ja -mittausten järjestäminen ja toteuttaminen mittauskohteessa. Ilmastointikanavien mittaukset - Kokkolan Ilmastointiasennus. Ilmanvaihdon häiriöt vaikuttavat herkästi ilmanlaatuun ja esimerkiksi lämpötiloihin.
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At 23°C: ± 3° C, At -10.
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